Relating to our pleasure as necessary shifts our experience of life. Resistance to this emotion can be ingrained from years of learning to produce instead of slowing down to welcome more life in. In our 4 weeks together you will begin to see pleasure is an obligation to self no longer putting your obligations in front of your pleasure.



4 Weeks - Special Price $497 (Retail Price $697)


What You Will Receive

1 Family Constellation Session to release any ways you are repelling pleasure in your life.

1 30 minute Q & A and Digestion Celebration because it is necessary to have a party in your honor for all of the deep growth you did in the span of a month DANCE PARTY!!

Weekly Pleasure Practices to support you in ushering in this energy in every area of your life…YES!!!

✓ A workbook designed with tools to recreate your relationships with luxurious pleasure, feeling worthy of standing firmly in your divine birthright of abundance, and re-welcoming in your relationship to sisterhood (lots of what you are feeling empty in your life will be found here)

✓ A Guided Breathwork Session to remove stagnant energy and pent up trauma



3 Months Special Price $449 per month for 3 months (Retail Price $1750)


What You Will Receive

5 Family Constellation Sessions With Priestess Coaching Included (which will support you around the constellation work)   Session 1-Welcoming In Your Shadow Side Releasing The Inner Good Girl, Session 2- Removing Barriers Around Your Sexuality (Healing Sexual Traumas), Session 3-Not Your Grandmothers/Mothers Truths, Session 4-Radiant Health (Removing Bonds Of Any Sickness or Early Death with Ancestors) Session 5-Inspired To Expand (Letting Go of Where It Feels Unsafe To Surpass Those Who Came Before You)   (total of 5)

1 30 minute Q & A and Digestion Celebration To Close Out Your Unexpected Expansion

3 Guided Meditations as Daily Practices  “Awaking Potent Pleasure”

An autographed copy of “Goddess On The Go-Rituals To Help You Slow Down & Slay” to support you in making time to cultivate deep self-love and downtime

Guided Tantric Exercise to Open Up Your Opulent Well Of Desires to say buh-bye to any glass ceiling that you may be putting in the way of you and your desires

Advanced Pleasure Practices To Take You Higher



6 Months Special Price $697 per month for 6 months (Retail Price TK)


What You Will Receive

6 Family Constellation Sessions 2 Sensual Embodiment Activation Session 

4 Priestess Coaching Sessions To Support You In All That You Are Birthing .

Session 1-Surpassing Your Mothers Relationship With Love

Session 2-Making Doubt Your Bit$$

Session 3-Removing Co-Dependent Relationships With Ancestors

Session 4- Healing Blocks With Divine Feminine Energy In Your Lineage

Session 5-Replacing Scarcity Energy With Wealth

Session 6- Receiving Your Ancestors Blessing On A New Future 

1 30 minute Q & A and Digestion Celebration covering all the ways you have expanded during our time together

VIP Gift Box with luxurious gifts inside

VIP 1 day session in person on virtual to celebrate your growth and up-level all of what you have already birthed (surprise special guests)
